Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Just A Job

This is my first Carrillon Point story.  My character, Juno Jones, is a professional assassin who has gotten orders to kill a businessman in Carrillon Point.

Just A Job

            The letter came as always, in a manila envelope with no return address and no postmark.  Juno slit open the envelope with a practiced hand. Inside was the assignment; a brief description of the mark and his photograph, along with a plane ticket to the location.  No mention of why the organization wanted him dead, of why Juno Jones was being paid to murder him.

NAME: Harold Robinson

DESCRIPTION: Height, 5’11”. Weight, 180lb. Hair, gray. Race, Caucasian. Photograph enclosed.

OCCUPATION: CEO and Co-Founder of C&R Shipping, Ltd.

ADDRESS: 511 East Shore Drive, Carrillon Point, MA

Juno read the sheet dispassionately, having read dozens like it before.  He picked up the photo and studied it.  Mr. Robinson was a portly man with gray hair, slightly old-fashioned spectacles with large lenses, and a wide, bristly mustache.  The same, in short, as all of the other businessmen who had offended the wrong person and had their information mailed to a person like Juno.
            Juno examined the plane ticket.  It left at noon the following day, and the hit was to be completed by this time next week.  Plenty of time to determine the easiest way to lure Mr. Robinson away from his routine, get him on his own, where no one could see what happened to him, and then… Juno was not a sadist, and he took no kind of sick pleasure in his job, but he still couldn’t resist the thrill of planning and executing an elegant kill.
            A grim smile crossed Juno’s face.  Soon the papers in the sleepy little town of Carrillon Point, MA would have something to talk about.

1 comment:

  1. so juno is a man, eh? i definitely had in mind that juno was a girl (also, because i gave that character name)... but you should do a sequel slash expansion on this--it'd be a really cool read. :)
