Monday, October 11, 2010

Assigned Blog Post # 5

    Hear a stranger at the door, hear the Master returning home, hear food being poured in a dish, see a squirrel, see a cat, see a duck, see another dog, smell dinner being cooked, hear fireworks, smell a strange scent, jump on the couch, jump on the chair, jump into the car, lick somebody’s leg, this is how you greet somebody by jumping on them, this is how you growl at another dog, this is how you bark menacingly, this is how you bark an alert, this is how you bark a greeting, this is how you smell another dog, this is how you smell a human, this is how you eat garbage, this is how you eat grass to help your stomach, this is how you eat the cat’s food, this is how you apologize to Master, this is how you chase a ball, this is how you catch a ball, this is how you give the ball back to Master, this is how you swim in the pond, this is how you retrieve a stick, this is how you track mud into the house, this is how you gnaw on the furniture, this is how you hide from Master, this is how you put your tail between your legs, this is how you fight another dog, this is how you lick your wounds—what if I don’t want to fight? —are you really going to be the dog that turns away from a fight?

1 comment:

  1. an interesting one. :) i like the eating different things part--that made me crack up. xD
